The ridiculous decisions of beloved princesses often brushed aside, leaving fans to ponder what lessons really matter.
1. Ariel’s Regrettable Contract Signing
Ariel made a shocking move when she signed that contract with Ursula without even reading the fine print. Talk about a reckless disregard for the implications. You’d think a girl who dreamt of the human world would do a little more homework. Instead, she dives into a deal that exchanges her voice for legs—literally sacrificing her most important asset for romance. Not to mention, the ramifications for her family and the rest of the ocean realm were beyond significant. *What happened to reading the room, Ariel?*2. Rapunzel’s Birthday Blunder
Mother Gothel’s choice to keep Rapunzel’s birthday under wraps brought no end of chaos to *Tangled*. Hiding a special day led to a twisted plot where Rapunzel was kept in the dark about the world—and her own true heritage. This confusion could have easily been avoided. Come on Gothel, why not promote a sense of normalcy instead of chaos?3. Alice’s Questionable Sips
Alice jumped at the chance to chug some mysterious liquid from a bottle in the woods. Despite hearing that curiosity killed the cat, she barreled ahead. This decision implies a lack of caution in navigating Wonderland. Couldn’t she have weighed the risks of a random potion before downing it? What splendid irony, given her curious escapade led her into heaps of trouble.4. The Three Fairies’ Poor Choices
The Three Fairies from *Sleeping Beauty* were a real mess when they couldn’t decide how to handle the whole cursed princess thing. Seriously, why didn’t they simply delay Aurora’s awakening? It might have spoiled Maleficent’s evil plan. Their bickering gave away their location to Maleficent—classic blunder! On top of all that, after 16 years of keeping Aurora safe, they suddenly drop the bombshell that she’s royalty. Totally responsible. And don’t get me started on Merryweather insulting Maleficent. It was like tossing gasoline on a fire and hoping for rain. Lastly, letting Aurora wander into the woods? Kind of risky, knowing Maleficent was at the ready.5. Anna’s Reckless Decisions
In *Frozen*, we can’t overlook Anna’s untamed spirit and the subsequent reckless choices she makes. From diving headfirst into seemingly romantic situations to ignoring her sister’s problematic state of mind, it felt like Anna often steered away from sensible decisions. Just once, it could have been nice for her to show a little emotional awareness.6. Merida and the Magical Cake Catastrophe
Merida’s decision to hand her mother a magic cake from a sketchy witch proves to be the disaster of the century. Last time I checked, magic for changing family dynamics rarely comes with a user manual. What’s worse is Merida’s vague wish and the lack of a clear plan to seek change. Thus, a request overlooked could result in something nightmarish.7. Asha’s Alternative Misfires
In *Wish*, Asha often addresses issues that no one really saw as problems to begin with—and in all the wrong ways. Her misguided intentions usually lead her down a road of indecision, tackling what turns out to be a mountain made of molehills. Not the strongest heroine strategy.8. Ariel’s Voice vs. Legs Dilemma Again
Finally, there’s Ariel again, stubbornly pursuing romance without critically thinking through her choices. Trading her voice was already a disservice. The next step: grappling with potentially disastrous consequences. Did Ariel really consider what she might lose, or was she just starry-eyed over the prince? Life lesson: some choices need more than a quick decision. Watch closely, and you’ll see beneath the enchanting Disney aesthetics lurking some questionable decision-making. These supposed princesses could sure use a quick course on “Life Skills 101.” For more insights and intriguing content, check out this link.source: Mark Arron Smith